Sunday 20 October 2013

Evaluation Of Teaching


-Excellent starter; really engaging and gets people talking. Also introduces topic properly.
-Good detailed history
-Video is effective and clearly engages class from comments and interaction
-Reference to market is interesting
-Some very good content

-Less words
-Don’t just read the PowerPoint
-Make it clear what needs to be written down from the board (hence 20 word limit)
-Probably a little long for 6-8 minute lesson
-Way too much text on the slide (better if it was less)
-Could do with more focus on the different media aspects of Sony
-Some content missing (Sony picture, movies, games, computer, entertainment)
-Make it clear whether if their channels or media companies

In my opinion I think that the lesson that me and my partner both did, had a great started to it, as we both observed a lot of students begun asking questions, and they all started to come up with their own ideas as to which logo belonged to which industry within Sony. In addition to this the video we showed had a great amount of history within it, which also got the students engaged, despite it being too long. On the other hand, I believe that we both didn't put as much effort as we should have, as we didnt include some of the most important things that were meant to be included, such as the influence politics has on them and the synergy, neither did we have a hand out to physically give to the students.

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