Sunday 29 September 2013

Media Consumptions


Which daily newspapers do you read?

To be honest, I don’t really read newspapers much, however if I do read one it is always ‘The Times’. The time when I will read this is when I’m sitting on the bus, train, other public transport or when I’m bored, as I generally am not much of a reader.

What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?

The first section that I will always turn to when reading The Times, is the one in which most serious and life taking situations are written in. These are what I find interesting and also helpful as I can gather what is going on within my area.

What kinds of stories do you usual read and why?

As I am not much of a sporty person, I tend to avoid the Sports section as there is no point in reading about something I am not interested in.

What kind of stories do you usually read and why?

I normally read stories to do with crime. This is because, these articles engage me alot as they teach me about what happens to people in life and also teaches me things that I do not know and makes me more aware of the society we live in today. This section not only engages me but also makes me want to carry on reading to find out more issues within the society and the people in it.

Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?

Within my family the only person that reads ‘The Times’ is my brother, and he tends to purchase it and give it away to one of his peers, however I tend to read it when I find it on public transport or in public places, such as the doctors, were they have free ones to read.


What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly? Why?

I am not much of a magazine collector, however if I do get them, I tend to buy teen magazines, which are full of the latest gossip and have a huge section of the latest fashion. This means that I am able to keep up with the day to day fashion and know what is in when. It also gives me something to read that interests me and keeps me entertained, when I am bored and have nothing else to do.

What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?

I don’t tend to read the section with the stories in them, as I am more interested in real life situations, than non-fictional.

Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?

Depending on how much work I have from school, I watch TV. Approximately, when I have a small amount of work, I watch around 25 hours of TV per week. However on normal school days, I watch around 30 minutes of TV per day, or even an hour if I’m lucky.

What times of day do you usually watch television?

During the normal school week, I tend to watch Television for a short period of time when I come back from school, at around five in the evening. On other days I tend to sit and watch it at night time, together with the family.

What programmers do you like the best and why?

I find any comedy and entertaining programme the best. Two of the best ones I watch are both based on families and are both as funny as each other, these are: ‘The Middle’ and ‘The Modern Family’.

Do you watch alone or with others?

A majority of the time, I watch these programmes with both my brother and my sister, and sometimes my mother. In addition to this, some of the time I do tend to have time alone and watch it on my own as well.

If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?

If I watch the television with both of my siblings or even one of them, we both have to equally share the remote, and the time we watch the television.


What stations do you like the best and why?

The radio stations I like the best are Kiss FM, Capital FM and Buzz Asia. The first two, because it keeps me updated with the latest RNB and the third one because it keeps me up to date with the latest Indian songs. 

Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio?

Within a week, I tend to listen to more of the radio than I watch TV, so within I week, I approximately listen to around 35 hours of it.

What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio?

A majority of the time I listen to it whilst I’m doing my work, however I also listen to it when I’m doing my chores as the kitchen has a radio with surround system all over it and it keeps me motivated whilst doing the work around the house.

What stations do you dislike the most and why?

One of the stations I dislike the most is Classic FM. This is because I don’t enjoy listening to such soft and soothing music, as I feel there is no beat and is just too dead for me. I’d rather go to sleep than listen to it.

Do you listen alone or with others?

When listening to the radio, as I work alongside my sister at home and she enjoys the same radio stations as me, she tends to listen to the radio with me. In addition to this we also listen to the radio stations together as a family in the car.

Where do you listen to the radio?

I listen to the radio, in the car, in my room, kitchen and even in the bathroom when i’m having a shower.


What films, if any, have you seen in the cinema in the last month?

Within the last month I have been to see ‘Monsters University’ and ‘Meet The Millers’

What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?

I don’t tend to watch many movies, however we did rent out one of Mr Beans old movies as it never gets old!

Who else watched the films with you?

When I watch films, or go to the cinema I tend to go with the family or with my friends.

Who decided what films to watch?

When it comes to the decision of what films are watched, we either decide civilly amongst ourselves as friends, or as family, we decide amongst siblings and vote.


How often do you access the internet?

I access the Internet every single day.

Where do you access the internet? At home, at college or school, or at work?

I access the Internet at both my home and my school as I have work to do in both places.

What are the main sites that you access?

A majority of the time ‘Google’ is the main site that I use, as I need to do research for specific information. In order to complete media work I also have to access my blog. In addition to work, I also use it to access social networks, such as ‘Facebook’ in order to contact my peers and socialise, etc.

What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?

The main reasons for accessing these sites are due to work that has been set by the teachers at school and in order to communicate with my peers at school.

What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the Internet?

In addition to the reason why I have to access the Internet, I also use the internet for a various amount of reasons, such as to Skype, which is video calling people from anywhere, in order to see my cousins from abroad, play games, and socialise with my friends online

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