Tuesday 18 March 2014

Ill Manors: Official Website

How does the Ill manors Official Website promote the film?
There are many ways in which the Ill Manors Official website promotes the film. Firstly as shown on the website, '#Ill Manors' is shown on the wall. Having this up on there allows one to simply click on it in order to open a page full of tweets in response to the Ill Manors Film. 'Buy Now' is also written on the house in graffiti and this allows the audience to click on to it and be directed to a page where they are able to purchase it. A lot of synergy has also been used in the website as the setting in which the picture has been taken is of the urban estate were the film was shot. The film poster is also shown within the website as it is to the far right of it. This creates a link between the film and the website as they have brought the poster into the website. The links that are on the page, to the right are also pointers which help in order to promote the film further. One link when clicked on allows the audience to see the trailer of the film, and by showing this, gives those that have not yet seen the film, a chance to
 Alongside with the album, videos etc which helps promote the film as people will be able to see what it is about in more detail but also what other people say about the film through the tweets. 

What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the website?

The colours that have been used are all similar to those that have been used on the other broadcasting platforms, such as poster and dvd cover, very dull and gloomy. Additionally the title that has been used on the website 'Ill Manors' is the same throughout all the promotional parts, such as the Film Poster, The Trailer and The Dvd Cover. The gun which is also held by the actor helps in order to promote the brand as it cannotes violence within the film and this links to what goes on in the film, encouraging young teenagers to watch it. 

What links does the website offer?

In order to promote the film Ill Manors have taken advantage of social media networks, by creating a Facebook Page and Twitter Page, having links on the website which take them directly to both the pages. Another link they have is one that takes them to a page where they are able to purchase the Blu Ray version and the DVD, encouraging more people to watch it, and making more sales. There is also a link for the soundtrack album as well. 

What example of synergy are there between the website and the print platforms?

The Ill Manors film poster has been put in the background of the website, which not only creates a link, but is an example of synergy. Similarly both the social media pages use synergy, as they have posted quite a lot, including pictures of the film posters and the trailer, which again are both on the website. 

Why are the links to social media important?

The different links to social media including Twitters '@iLLManors' and Facebooks '/iLLManors', are really important as they allow the audience to interact with the film and give their own opinions about different things. This also allows the actors, mainly Plan B, to get his points across and keep the audience updated with news. 

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